Black freaking pepper

>> 13 August 2009

Is black pepper such a rare spice that they have to have a special pepper mill that only the waiter can use? Put the stupid fresh pepper grinder on the table and leave it, man! IT'S BLACK FREAKING PEPPER! It's not black truffles. It's not gold leafing. It's not bits of Faberge egg. It's pepper! At a supermarket it costs 99 cents for a shaker of the stuff that will last you for years. Sure, it tastes great fresh, but it's PEPPER!

Note to restaurateurs: Black pepper is a commodity. And fresh pepper is not a luxury item. Buy enough fresh pepper grinders to put one on every table.


Rich August 14, 2009 at 3:01 PM  


"I want my black pepper!"

kelley August 14, 2009 at 9:33 PM  

My question is is it really necessary for the pepper mills to be 2 feet long? A little overcompensating if you ask me...

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