YouTube pt.2

>> 18 May 2009

Here are some more of the greatest YouTube videos of all time.

Five seconds of sheer terror!

Not only is the video cool, it is a sad reminder to me of my inability to run on treadmills. I guess I don't run at a constant speed, but I cannot lose focus for a moment on a treadmill or I will go sliding off the back. The good news is that I hate running so I don't have to use a treadmill very often. The bad news is that these guys can dance on treadmills...I can't even run on one.

This one is a little painful to watch, but the truly amazing part is where he gets up and continues to swing the Nunchucks. "Come on coach, don't take me out. I'm okay; I can still play!" This guy was not content to save it for the next take. A true ninja.

Some favorite moments:

  • The look of shock on his face at 0:40 when his dad says, "don't touch it."
  • The scream (of course)
  • "Why is this happening to me?"
Enjoy. Leave you thoughts below!


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