Attention Subway Customers...YOU ARE NOT EATING HAM!
>> 26 April 2009
What you are about to read is so shocking - so...well, shocking - that I hesitate to even mention it. But, after the following information was brought to my attention, I felt that it was my civic duty to speak up.
All of the meats on the Subway Cold Cut Combo (shown) are actually TURKEY! This is not a joke! The menu says that it contains turkey, bologna, and ham. But, if you read the fine print (and if you check the website) you will find that it actually contains turkey, turkey-bologna, and turkey-ham! You are probably asking yourself, what is turkey-ham? The answer: IT'S TURKEY!
If you check the nutritional FAQs on Subway's website, the Cold Cut Combo is listed as a pork-free sandwich. Great news if you're trying to keep kosher. Bad news if you're trying to get your ham on!
You may be thinking that this isn't a big deal. But here's the thing: what if someone, for valid medical reasons, is on a high-ham diet? Maybe their doctor says, "You've got a shortage of cholesterol. I prescribe ham, at every meal!" Now maybe the patient has been eating the Cold Cut Combo, thinking that it satisfies their requirement of one serving of ham per meal. THEY WOULD BE WRONG! And, failing to follow their doctor's orders, THEY COULD DIE! Think about that!
There it is, internet. Don't say you haven't been warned.