Album #1
>> 27 June 2008
The last album on my list of top ten personal favorites is...
These Are Special Times - by, Celine Dion. This is a special album, Celine.
PSYCH! The actual one is...
Highway 61 Revisited - by, Bob Dylan. You didn't think I would make this entire list and not include at least one Bob Dylan album did you? Because, seriously, if you thought that, then you are crazy. Just plain crazy.
During a period of less than two years, (1965-1966) Bob Dylan released a hat-trick of brilliant records: Bringing It All Back Home, Highway 61 Revisited, and Blonde on Blonde. All three of these are basically perfect, but I thought it would be lame to have all three on my list, so I settled on the one I like the most (by a little bit). Here are some stats about Highway 61, Revisited:
- Biggest Hit Song: "Like a Rolling Stone"
- Number of Vowels in album title: 6, unless you spell out "sixty-one" in which case, it's 9. Unless you spell it out and also count "y" as a vowel, in which case, the answer is 10. So, the short answer is - 6, 9, or 10.
- Bob Dylan's real name: Robert Allen Zimmerman
- My favorite song from the album: "Highway 61 Revisited"
Here's another good one: "Ballad of a Thin Man"