A recession is causing widespread unemployment, home foreclosures, and a proliferation of dreaded "golden parachutes" (an odd image if you think about it -- wouldn't a parachute made out of precious metal make you fall faster?); air pollution has gotten so bad that breathing literally makes us sick; the ice caps are melting (which is actually good news for people who live inland -- think how much your vacation home will appreciate in value when Tahoe becomes both a skiing and a beach destination!); and violence from the Mexican Drug War is spilling over into US cities. But, at least we still have TV!
Here are my thoughts about some of the TV programs that I watched this past year:
THE OFFICE: After a pretty dismal fourth season, season five was considerably better. In my mind, the second season of The Office stands out as some of the most hilarious television I have ever watched. Since then, each season has ended with a problem which is gradually solved in the following season. For example:
Season Two Ending: Jim confesses his love for Pam and then transfers to a different branch.
Problems To Solve in Season Three: Jim must get back to Scranton. Jim and Pam must both be single and available to date each other.
What happens in Season Three:Jim gets back to Scranton. Jim breaks up with Karen, Pam breaks up with Roy. They are single and available to date each other.
Season Three Ending: Jan gets fired and starts to dominate Michael, Jim and Pam start dating.
Problems To Solve in Season Four: Jim and Pam need to stay together. Michael needs to end his bad relationship with Jan and find true love.
What Happens in Season Four: Jim and Pam stay together. Michael ends his bad relationship with Jan and finds true love with Holly.
Do you see how this is working? Anyway, this season's finale ended [SPOILER ALERT...although if you've already read to here, you will probably accidentally see the spoiler anyway] with Michael pining for Holly who is dating someone else and with Pam pregnant. So, anyone want to guess what happens in the next season? Hmm...I wonder.
CHUCK: I guess this show didn't do extremely well in terms of ratings (there were a lot of internet rumblings about it being cancelled), but it was one I enjoyed watching for its good blend of humor, action, suspense, mystery, romance, etc. Basically, the show is about this hapless (or maybe feckless...no, I'm going to stick with hapless) computer technician who accidentally downloads a CIA database into his brain. When the original database is destroyed by counter agents, then the CIA must recruit Chuck to be their walking talking database. Chuck helps them out, falls in love with one of the agents assigned to protect him, and hilarity ensues. But in the season finale, Chuck ends up with an updated database downloaded into his brain, and this one gives him extreme fighting powers in addition to the catalogues of top secret documents that were already filed away in his brain.
I'm not sure if I like that.
Part of the reason the show was funny was because Chuck, although a clever guy and pretty quick on his feet, was not a trained spy. He had to rely on good luck, bizarre accidents, and his deep knowledge of video games and science-fiction movies to escape from harm. Now, he can destroy anyone. I'm not sure how interesting that will be. I will give it a go next season to see if it's good, but I am not above pulling the plug on a show that goes downhill (except for LOST which I will watch no matter how inane it gets).
30 ROCK: I would probably have to say that 30 Rock was the funniest show I watched this last year (yes, funnier than The Office). There were some dud episodes but there were also some really really hilarious moments: Kenneth seeing the world as muppets, Jack and the "Sixth Sense" waiter on Valentine's Day, Liz singing "Working on the Night Cheese," etc.
Next time, I'm going to talk about LOST and Fringe, which I think both deserve more space than I want to give them in this post. Thank you, and don't worry about social, economicl, or ecological problems; we have TV!