Sundries and Such: Olympics Edition

>> 22 February 2010

The Winter Olympics are underway. Here's what I think about them:

  • Ice Dancing. While I appreciate how difficult it must be to coordinate and synchronize their movements so precisely, when I see the costumes that they wear, I can't help but feel that the unrelenting teasing that they assuredly experienced as teenage ice-dancers was well deserved.
  • Two-Man Luge. Who was it who said, "You know what would make this sport better? If I got a dude to lay on top of me while I compete." What does the second guy do?
  • Snowboarding. Shaun White has a death-wish and is extremely entertaining to watch.
  • Apollo Ohno. Apparently, he is NBC's favorite person, which is why he always appears to be wearing makeup in preparation for an interview.
  • Ski Cross. This is the best event in the Winter Olympics. Snowboard Cross is pretty cool too, but crashes an skis are so much more dramatic, so it edges out the victory.
Questions for Discussion:
  1. Winter Olympics or Summer Olympics: which one do you prefer?
  2. What has been your favorite event of the Olympics?
  3. Hypothetical Question: How many ice-dancers could you fend off in a physical confrontation? What if the confrontation were taking place on ice?!


Melanie February 22, 2010 at 11:01 PM  

I laughed at the luge comment. :) I am also so sick of NBC's favorite person ... I don't think I like him!

Carla February 23, 2010 at 5:33 AM  

Summer is just better. I'm not sure I could fend off many ice dancers, unless they had to do triple lutz's and other things in their routine to get to me... and there's always the petty option of just tripping them.

Teri February 23, 2010 at 4:12 PM  

1. Any Olympics are good Olympics.

2. My favorite event so far has been curling. I know it sounds stupid, but it's the most awesome sport ever for one reason. It's the only sport that creates another sporting event entirely for the viewer: heckling. Matt and I went to lunch with a friend and you know what, we all ended up getting caught up in the curling event on tv and making fun of it the whole time! It was awesome.

3. I'm pretty sure that the ice dancers could take me on or off the ice. Man, have you seen their legs and arms?! They're crazy cut! Plus they've got razors on their feet. It sounds like the makings of a fantasy monster if you ask me.

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