A Terrible Beard

>> 01 May 2008

Apparently, David Beckham thinks he is too cool to not look like he's homeless! I know I probably shouldn't be the one to criticize since I tend to have a little scruff going on, but seriously. This guy probably has the most ridiculous facial hair patterns I have ever seen.

[inspiration] wait...maybe that is not the way his beard grows naturally, maybe he styled it that way...after all, he did basically invent the faux-hawk, maybe he's trying something new with facial hair. [/inspiration]

Anyway, when I saw this picture I couldn't take my eyes off of it (great, you noticed, he's not wearing a shirt in this picture, thats not why I was so enthralled) because that facial hair is downright grizzly. I just don't know what to say. This facial hair is almost as gross as the sideburns that these guys have.


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