Election '08 : Showdown (Pt. 2)

>> 12 March 2008

How can we, as voters, predict which candidate will make the best president? Let's answer that question with a question - Who cares? Popular opinion shows that, with the exceptions of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and FDR, the voters have been wrong every time! Remember how much people don't like George W. Bush? Guess what American Internet...WE ELECTED HIM! (at least this time. In 2000, you could argue that we actually elected Al Gore). James Buchanan (this guy ->) is widely considered the worst president in American History due to the fact that his leadership plunged the country into Civil War. Unfortunately, Buchanan was also a democratically elected official, which leads to the disappointing conclusion that either : 1. We are not intelligent enough to govern ourselves or 2. No one (or at least less than half of us) can predict which candidate will make the best president. So, in this bold spirit of freedom, and with renewed enthusiasm for the democratic process, here is our next candidate.

Hillary Rodham "Hot Rod" Clinton
Party: Democrat
Right or Left Handed: Right (but the plot thickens...see video below)
Campaign Slogan (according to official website): "Drive Hillary to Victory"
Widely Known Fact: Hillary Clinton is married to former U.S. president Bill Clinton, and is currently the junior U.S. Senator from New York.
If Elected: Sen. Clinton would...
1. Strengthen the middle class
2. Provide affordable and accessible health-care
3. End the War in Iraq
4. Promote energy independence and fight global warming
5. Keep the Oval Office tidy and clutter free (Bill!)
6. Move back into the White House
7. Tease Bill by calling him "First Lady"

This video is serious and for real. Good job Fox News, for saying what we were all thinking...Why would she use both hands when she could just use one?


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